Fight for Triton describes this conflict. In a very distant future, battling without compassion for entire moons is commonplace. Humanity has extended its reach deep into the solar system and space-borne fighters traverse the heavens in search of battle like bullies on the playground. This is the story of a futuristic fighter squadron and its attempt to defend our planet from one such extraterrestrial attack.
There is one significant storytelling twist which makes this tale different than most others: both sides of the battle are told simultaneously, giving both victor and the vanquished their due. In most stories, the reader either sits with the winner and wonders how the losers could be so ignorant or sits with the loser and wonders how the winners could be so lucky. Fight for Triton provides the reader with a detailed picture of both sides of the action, showing that the losers are not completely ignorant, nor the winners simply lucky.