The Chrysostom Bible - Hosea

By Richard Benton

The Chrysostom Bible - Hosea
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Dr. Richard Benton's breadth of knowledge and mastery of biblical languages help unlock Hosea's scandal for modern readers. In a world obsessed with security and terrified by scarcity, the present volume's elucidation of Hosea is an urgent call to take seriously the command: "Offer sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord." (Psalm 4:5) Instead of looking to governments, religions, or science to regulate prosperity, the disciple of Hosea looks with gratitude to the Lord, trusting solely in God's provision and caring for the neighbor out of God's abundance, unflinchingly. Hosea's message is uncomfortable for clergy, embarrassing for the wealthy, and a risky proposition for everyone else. To the present generation, mired by fear and greed, Dr. Benton's book is a reminder that courage is born, not of strength, but of trust in the Lord's wisdom, written for the ages.

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