Tumor Board Review utilizes the knowledge and expertise of oncology specialists to enhance learning the practice of oncology. Each of the 32 chapters follows a uniform format: a concise summary of the epidemiology, risk factors, natural history, and pathology of each major organ-specific tumor type an abbreviated display of the relevant staging (generally based on the American Joint Commission on Cancer [AJCC] Staging, 7th Edition) and several œtumor board“style” illustrative patient case summaries (representative of major stage categories of each tumor), each followed by an evidence-based case discussion which reviews the current guidelines and rationale for the diagnostic and therapeutic steps taken. Algorithms and decision tree graphics are used extensively to provide visual support of the decision process.
The combination of case presentations and evidence-based management discussions make this volume a unique tool for keeping current with clinical guidelines and provides the reader with a clear understanding of applications of new information for use in daily practice. The case presentations and authoritative discussions make Tumor Board Review a valuable resource for board study and self-assessment. Features of Tumor Board Review Include: