Report of Freshwater Mollusks Workshop, 19-20 May 1981

By Andrew C. Miller, Environmental Laboratory (U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station)

Report of Freshwater Mollusks Workshop, 19-20 May 1981
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A workshop on Freshwater Mollusks was held on 19-20 May 1981 at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). The purpose of the workshop was to address (a) taxonomy and ecology of freshwater mussels; (b) appropriate sampling methodologies for mollusks; (c) methods to create habitat and/or relocate mollusks; (d) information on the above-listed topics available from commercial shell harvesters; and (e) present and past concerns over the endangered species problems. A total of 16 technical papers were presented. In addition, time was allotted for questions and answers and examination of sampling equipment and one structured discussion period was held. The text of the papers presented, the questions and answers following each presentation, and summary reports presented by each discussion group leader dealing with important aspects of the workshop are included.

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