The First Australians

By Ronald Murray Berndt, Catherine Helen Berndt

The First Australians
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Origin, physical description, language diversity, religion, environmental differences; tribal boundaries linked with mythology, totemic centres, beliefs; Arnhem Land notes on descent, fishing spears, canoes, rafts, log canoes with Macassan-type sails; fish traps, nets; variety of weapons & artefacts; Brief notes on huts, Great Victoria Desert, Arnhem Land, R. Murray, Stirling R., Daly R. - preservation of food, fruit, fish, animal meat; Trade (Arnhem Land) - 6 main ceremonies; Djamalag, Rom, Midjan, Wurbu, Mamurung, Njalaidj; trade routes, list of goods traded; Childhood, education, initiation, marriage, agegrades, care of elderly; Spritual beliefs Djanggawul, Banaitja, Kunapipi & others, brief reference to Daramulan & Baiami (N.S.W.), Murunderi & Nepeli (S.A.); heroes of Lake Eyre, Great Victoria Desert and Kimberleys, Northern Territory tribes, relevant mythology; secular myths retold; Ritual and description of increase ceremonies, love magic rituals, dances, notes on sacred, secular, mourning and gossip songs; Artefacts, wooden carvings (W.A., N.T.), rock and cave paintings (Kimberleys); Law & order, taboos, punishment, peace making ceremony (Arnhem Land); organized meetings by Narrinyerri (mouth of R. Murray) unique, behaviour patterns, pre-marital & extra-marital sexual expression All types of magic, rainmakers, charms; Mortuary rites, types of burial (Great Victoria Desert, Arnhem Land), mourning; Foreign influence before European settlement, present day culture contact situation, land rights; Three songs from Arnhem Land in English, drawings show bark paintings, crayon drawings from Arnhem Land.

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