Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 6th edition, with new authors Destin Heilman and Stephen Woski, provides a solid biochemical foundation that is rooted in chemistry while presenting complete and balanced coverage that is clearly written and relevant to human health and disease. This edition includes new pedagogy and enhanced visuals that better adapt the text for the modern student, including a focus on enhanced self-assessment tools and scaffolding of learning outcomes throughout the text.
The new authors continue the trusted pedagogy of the previous five editions and present approachable, balanced coverage to provide students with a solid biochemical foundation to prepare them for future scientific challenges. The pedagogy remains focused on biochemistry's key theme: the relationship between structure and function, while streamlining the student experience to better focus attention on the critical subject matter.
Fundamentals of Biochemistry 6e includes a significant update to the art program with modernized, more effective renderings that better enable understanding of the subject matter. New scaffolded learning outcomes in each section, and a focus on self-assessment tools, both streamline and elevate the effectiveness of the new edition as a critical learning resource for biochemistry students.