Pedagogy-Driven Technology Integration in English Language Teaching

By Made Hery Santosa, Khusnul Khotimah, Safitry Wahyuni, Mala Rejeki Manurung, Marwan Batubara, Fita Lianasari, Ratih Novita Sari, Merliyani Putri Anggraini, Bernadeth Erlienia Ambarsary, Mariati, Kadek Yeyen Meyasa, Ni Made Kristina Yanti, Amelia Kartikawati, Ida Ayu Fortuna Ningrum, Kadek Andre Karisma Dewantara, Rananur Alfiah, Putu Rosa Natalia, Kadek Ratnawati, Sang Ayu Made Diah Utami Putri, Verlinsti Vania Tamala, Ni Wayan Desi Ratna Sari, Kadek Nila Hendra Yani, Ni Putu Ayu Niya Loviyani, Ni Luh Emy Astuti, I Made David Garcia Sasmita, Ni Wayan Dinda Widasuari, Safira, I Gede Agus Yuda Mahendra, Kadek Dwi Candra Oktariana, Putu Ayu Kinanti Praditha

Pedagogy-Driven Technology Integration in English Language Teaching
Available for 5.39 USD
The book entitled “Pedagogy-Driven Technology Integration in English Language Teaching” discusses pedagogical soundness and appropriateness of technology to address problems or issues in the teaching and learning process, especially in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning context. It is a relatively new genre, similar to a book review section, in academic journals and magazines. With technology's rapid and disruptive development, teaching and learning in the EFL context may not be the same anymore. Numerous tools, prominently digital ones, have been massively utilized within and beyond the classroom walls. Yet, one thing remains the same, the pedagogical aspects comprising clear and scaffolded learning stages incorporated with technologies must present insights and bring about benefits to the instruction.
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