Quick-E Pro: Scripting: A Guide For NursesJo-Ann C. Byrne, RN, BS, MHSA; Kathleen L. Garrison, MSN, RN; Frances M. Moore, RNC, BSN, MSA
Professional support for nurses on the goYou've chosen one of the most important careers in the world. You have to quickly master new concepts and learn complex professional skills while applying them to the delivery of high-quality patient care. Find the coaching you need to develop and succeed in your profession with Quick-E! Pro.
Communicate with confidenceQuick-E! Pro Scripting: A Guide for Nurses will help you to communicate clearly and confidently with patients, physicians, and peers. This guide includes proven strategies and techniques to help you::
- Have difficult discussions with patients
- Get information you need from physicians
- Work closely with all kinds of peers
Table of contents Chapter 1: The Value of Scripting
Chapter 2: Admission: Welcoming the patient
Chapter 3: Daily Interactions with Patients
Chapter 4: Communicating Confidently With Physicians
Chapter 5: The Nurse Manager's Role in Scripting
Chapter 6: Understanding Peer-to-Peer Interactions
Chapter 7: Crucial Conversations at Discharge
Chapter 8: Summing It Up: The Do's and Don'ts of Scripting
Learning objectives:
- Define scripting
- Identify two different communication models often used in nursing
- List the components of SBAR
- Discuss the appropriate subsequent steps to take after a patient is admitted
- Identify a tool to use in helping assess a patient's pain
- Recognize the most effective time to give patients information about discharge
- List two actions that will make you more receptive to a patient when hearing a complaint
- List three items to ensure you have ready before calling a physician regarding a patient
- Identify two important items you should communicate to a peer in a shift report
- Discuss the "5 on the Board" program that improved patient satisfaction scores at CHRISTUS Hospital-St Mary's in Port Arthur Texas
- Identify questions gathered by mystery shoppers that helped keep patient satisfaction scores high at CHRISTUS Hospital-St Mary's in Port Arthur Texas
- List two additional ways to improve patient satisfaction scores
- Identify an appropriate comment to begin the process of delivering bad news to a patient
- Identify three of the most frequently reported negative behaviors by new nurses
- List two appropriate statements to make when you feel you are being ignored
- Choose one appropriate statement to make when thanking support personnel for their help
- Identify how scripting can help with the HCAHPS Hospital Survey
- Explain how to use the pneumonic device 'HEART' when discharging a patient
- Identify when scripting should be not used
Intended audience- Bedside caregivers and staff nurses
- Nurse managers and leaders/charge nurses
- Staff educators/education directors/development specialists