Cracking the LSAT Premium

By Adam Robinson, Kevin Blemel, Mindy Eve Myers, Bob Spruill, Andrew Brody

Cracking the LSAT Premium
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Get all the prep you need to ace the LSAT with The Princeton Review, including 6 full-length practice tests, thorough topic reviews, and exclusive access to our online Premium Portal with tons of extra practice and resources.

Techniques That Actually Work.

* Powerful strategies for tackling each section of the exam
* Key tactics for cracking tough Games question sets
* Tips for pacing yourself and prioritizing challenging questions

Everything You Need To Know for a High Score.
* Logical and Analytical Reasoning questions, many based on actual exams (with the permission of the Law School Admission Council)
* Expert instruction and lessons for each LSAT section

Practice Your Way to Perfection.
* 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations
* 4 additional full-length LSAT practice exams online
* Drills for each area, including Reading Comprehension and Writing

Plus, with Cracking the LSAT, Premium Edition you'll get online access to our exclusive Premium Portal for an extra competitive edge:
* Video tutorials with expert advice from leading course instructors
* Multi-week study plan guides
* Law school profiles, admission guides, and essay tips
* Special "LSAT Insider" bonus section packed with information about the admissions landscape, legal job market, law school rankings and ratings, and more