At the turn of the 19th century in India, more than a million wild animals were trounced under the barrel of the gun, bringing them almost to the brink of extinction. There began one of the most inspirational stories of the crusade from Karapore village at the Kabini river of Mysore in South India. An innovative style of protecting nature gives immense importance to the preservation of wilderness, changing the lives of the aborigines through an instrument of eco-tourism. The book charts the key moments in the fight to conserve the natural wealth of India, which has been the centre of admiration for maharajas, the cynosure of the eyes of all royal princes, eminent military officials and those who set on foot to India during the medieval period, embarking on a journey of incredible stories of wildlife sports such as hunting and shooting.
The chronicle gives a fascinating picture of the success story of eco-tourism in Karnataka. It offers an atmospheric and entertaining account of the lives of Indian princes, early lifestyles of viceroys, kings, czars and sovereign monarchs with joyful hunting expeditions of emperors, maharajas and enjoyable sports of diplomats and bloodhound hunters, the British civil servants. In a most vivid and gripping style, the saga records the life of men who lived in the wilderness amidst tribes and aborigines and made them friends, which spread the message of the benevolence of human relationships, love and a deep affection for nature and natural resources. It is a captivating book packed with splendid quotes, entertaining anecdotes, chronicles of pre-independent, innovative, triumphant trials of Khedda operations in the princely states of Mysore and Hyderabad, absorbing tales of the wildlife of India and her natural splendours across the cultural diversity of various tribes, ethnicities and their virtues, beliefs and ethos.