Saint Bernards, the popular droopy-faced giants of the dog world that everyone loves. You’ve seen them in movies and commercials, and read about them in books. You’ve probably even seen their famous depiction as rescue dogs that carry a barrel around their neck. Saint Bernards have even been given the title “nanny dog.” What’s the truth behind all these depictions of the breed? Would trying to fit one of these giant dogs into your house be right for your family and lifestyle? Just how big can they get, and how much food does a dog this large consume?
This breed has piqued the curiosity of dog lovers everywhere. While many find that large-breed dogs can be intimidating, Saint Bernards are one of the easiest large-breed dogs to care for. They aren’t picky eaters, they don’t require tons of exercise, and they are huge on cuddling. We get that navigating puppyhood can be tough. This is especially true when your new two-month-old puppy is already the size of a Shih Tzu! Maybe you’ve even gone the extra mile and decided to adopt an adult Saint Bernard. You’re probably wondering what all goes into caring for your giant new roommate.
You’ve come to the right place to learn how to live with your very own Saint Bernard. These sweet-tempered dogs are much more than the movies depict. Like any breed, they come with their own complications, quirks, and slobbery kisses. In this book, you will learn about bringing a puppy home, dealing with an adult Saint Bernard, and even how to care for them into seniorhood. Whether you don’t know if your home is big enough or you’re trying to find the right food for your puppy, this guide will give you everything you ever wanted to know about Saint Bernards and more!