How do you make wound management decisions for your patients? In the most challenging situations where patient survival and limb salvage are considerations, it becomes apparent that wound management decisions be based on more than a wound's initial presentation.
MasterMinding Wounds optimizes the evaluation, management, and prevention of wounds. This exciting text is organized into five parts, each integral to wound care, yet comprehensive enough to stand alone:
I. Setting the stage (for wound care)
II. Evaluation of wounds
III. The strategic management of problem wounds
IV. Evaluation and management of the "end-stage" wound
V. Prevention of new and recurrent wounds
The special features of this text include the use of a Master Algorithm to integrate and logically transition information, as well as a user friendly "Power of 10" scoring tool to objectively quantify wound seriousness, guide treatment, measure progress, predict potential for wound development, and assess patient function and motivation.