Can a second chance at a first love work? Or will the agony of the past be too much for them to overcome?
Ben loved Ainsley with his whole heart, but she married someone else and left him shattered. Five years later, he still hasn't healed. His heart still aches for her, but he's determined to move on and build a life without her.
Ainsley has had her own struggles to overcome. After years of addiction, she's finally found stability and is determined to put the past behind her. But returning to the small town where she lost so much brings back memories she's been trying to forget.
When Ben and Ainsley run into each other, the old spark is still there. But the pain of the past is still raw, and their love seems impossible. Yet they can't stay away from each other, and their second chance at love proves to be more intense than they ever imagined.
But past betrayals threaten to tear them apart once again. Can they find a way to build a future together, or will their love be doomed to fail once again?
Dragonfly Creek is the fourth book in the Firefly Hollow series.