The smartest, fastest, most effective preparation for the latest Police Officer exam
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of openings for new police officers will rise by 10% between now and 2016. To become a police officer, many candidates must pass a standardized police officer entrance exam. Police Officer Exam Cram, 2/e, is the perfect concise study guide for everyone seeking to pass this exam. Using detailed examples, it systematically covers exam objectives in all five core areas: Comprehension, Recall, Forms, Legal definitions, "What if" scenarios. It also covers crucial issues ranging from physical agility to successful oral interviewing. Police Officer Exam Cram, 2/e, also includes:
The Cram Sheet tear-out card including exclusive tips, acronyms, and memory joggers - perfect for last-minute study Intended as a standalone study guide, this book can also be used with any other print or electronic learning materials. Either way, it brings together all the knowledge and preparation help that you will need to master the material, gain confidence, and pass your exam with flying colors.