Depending on how a congregation is organized, the ministry area may be called global ministries, mission or outreach ministries. The role of this ministry area is to develop a continuous, year-round program of mission education. Leadership of this ministry area identifies the needs of the community, country, and world and engages the congregation in mission opportunities that seek to address these needs. It also seeks to expand your congregation’s mission and benevolence budget and ensure that your congregation is provided every opportunity to participate financially in God’s mission through the church. This Guideline is designed to help implement the work of the ministry area.
This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2017-2020 that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more.