The Sociology of Urban Living

By Harold E. Nottridge

The Sociology of Urban Living
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The urban setting in which people live has an important influence upon the organization and planning of their social lives. H. E. Nottridge here presents a valuable introduction to the field of urban sociology, showing that it is a theoretical discipline which is worthy of consideration in its own right.

Throughout his account Mr Nottridge places strong emphasis on the need for comparative perspectives. He uses a wide range of source material from urban environments as far apart as shanty towns in developing countries and the great metropolitan complexity of London. He covers such topics as scope and methods in urban sociology, social differences in towns and , in the context of urban social structure, the family and network theories. He also analyses the work of the Chicago School of Weber, Tonnies, Park, Redfield and Wirth, assessing their value for mdoern urban sociology. The author concludes with an examination of housing, migration and urban poverty.

This book was first published in 1972.