Praise for previous editions:
'A wealth of advice on generic aspects of teaching and learning in Physical Education ...The accessibility of the text, and constant reference to ways of adapting suggestions to different situations, make this book particularly "user-friendly" and suitable for student-teachers in diverse settings' – European Physical Education Review
‘Essential reading for teachers who pride themselves on being "critically reflective"' – Times Educational Supplement
The fourth edition of Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School has been revised and updated in light of the latest research evidence and practice in relation to teaching and learning, and changes in policy and practice within initial teacher education. Key topics covered include:
This core text guides you to become competent in basic teaching skills, enabling you to cope in a wide range of teaching situations. It emphasises the development of your own professional judgement, your ability to reflect critically on what you are doing, and on your beliefs about teaching PE.
Written with university and school-based initial teacher education in mind, Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School is an essential source of support and guidance for all student teachers of PE embarking on the challenging journey to becoming an effective, successful teacher.