First Talk

By Bronwyn Mayden, Wendy Castro, Megan Annitto

First Talk
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This book is a result of a symposium held by the National Council of Latino Executives and the Child Welfare League of America's Florence Crittenton division which focused on preventing pregnancy in Latino adolescents. A report of discussions held within the symposium and recommendations from participants are provided. Any effort to alleviate the problem of Latino teen pregnancy will require a sustained, coordinated commitment to a comprehensive, incremental, long-term program. Latino adolescent pregnancy is an issue that demands the leadership, the long-term commitment, and the courage to initiate the recommendations provided in this report. This book offers information on characteristics of the Latino population; factors contributing to Latino adolescent pregnancy; sexual activity, contraceptive use, and sexually transmitted diseases; marriage and childbearing; approaches to adolescent pregnancy prevention; policy issues; and Latino adolescent pregnancy prevention. Appendixes are: "Principles Underlying Program Development," which lists and describes the seven tenants of the program; "Focus Groups," which lists questions and issues to consider and gives a sample background information sheet; "Participants in the Latino Adolescent Pregnancy Symposium," which is a list of names and address; and "Resources," which gives names and addresses of local and national organizations. (MKA)