The Worth of Love in One’s Live by Made Agung Ari Yasa

By Made Agung Ari Yasa, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini , Karin Jones, OstR i.R,

The Worth of Love in One’s Live by Made Agung Ari Yasa
Available for 4.46 USD

The Worth of Love


One’s Live



Made Agung Ari Yasa




Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini

Karin Jones, OstR i.R.


Layout+Cover (Aplikasi Canva):

TIM Tata Akbar


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Cetakan pertama, Agustus 2020

Ukuran : 13x19 cm

Tebal: 138 halaman


Anggota IKAPI : No. 351/JBA/2020

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hanks to the Almighty God for all His gifts He bestowed upon me, I can finish writing this book. I feel so happy because I can pour all my enjoyable and sad moments into this book. Of course, what I have experienced will be different from others. So I hope to receive all forms of input and suggestions for my improvement in future

The writing of this book entitled “The Worth of Love in One’s Life” required a long process. This book will give you various values of love that can encourage people to be always willing to do a good deed in their lives. Nowadays people begin to ignore how they should behave to others. They just focus on what they want by disrespecting others. So, by reading the stories depicted in this book, we will increase our consciousness about sustaining the worth of love in our life to be always living together hand in hand at every moment.

The deepest thanks the author extends to my beloved families for all the motivation given to complete the writing of this book. Hopefully, this book can bestow benefits upon all of us to create a better life in the future.


                  Made Agung Ari Yasa, S.Pd.,M.Pd. H

Table of Contents

Preface …………………………………………………  3

Table of Contents ……………………..……………… 4

My Life Changes as the Year Changes ..................  5

Kindhearted Family ………………………………….             17

True Love …………………………………………..….              25

First Love on the First Day at School ………………  42

My Terrible Silent Day …………………………....…              56

A Pearl is forever a Pearl …………………………...    65

Hard Time to Forget ………………………………....   74

A Dream Girl …………………………………………   87

The Wisdom behind Covid-19 ……………………..   106

Diving Tank Porter …………………………………..   121

Author’s Profile ……………………………………...  135

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