1 and 2 Thessalonians Through the Centuries

By Anthony C. Thiselton

1 and 2 Thessalonians Through the Centuries
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This unique commentary on Paul’s early letters by an outstanding New Testament specialist, provides a broad range of original perspectives of how people have interpreted, and been influenced by, Paul’s first two letters.
  • Addresses questions concerning the content, setting, and authenticity of the two Thessalonian letters, drawing on responses from leading scholars, poets, hymn writers, preachers, theologians, and biblical scholars throughout the ages
  • Offers new insights into issues they raise concerning feminist biblical interpretation.
  • Provides a history of two-way influences, as exemplified by Ulrich Luz, Hans Robert Jauss, and Hans-Georg Gadamer
  • Written by Anthony Thiselton, a leading commentator on the Greek New Testament

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