This bestselling reader on families and intimate relationships identifies the most current trends, places them in historical context, and balances cutting-edge scholarship with perennial favorites. The authors, who are leading scholars, build each new edition from classic literature in a variety of disciplines as well as from the continuing stream of new family scholarship. Contributions provide new insights into family and explore many myths about family life. New to This Edition
- Twelve of the thirty-eight readings are new.
- A new section, "Family and the Economy," explores some of the structural changes in the economy that have had an impact on family life.
- New topics include: changing family demographics over the course of U.S. history, why gay men and women want to marry, the decline of dating and the rise of hooking up, adoption past and present, how a 24/7 economy affects families, financial pressures on middle-class mothers and fathers, gay and lesbian families, and the families of prison inmates.