
By Betty Lowrey

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In Forsaken, we see the changing lives of four women who have come together in friendship, mainly due to Ellens faith in God. When Annes son is injured by a hit-and-run driver, Ellens daughter, Ruthie, receives a message she feels she must deliver, but will the doctors believe a child hears from God? Devastated over their son in a coma, Anne and her estranged husband must find ground to struggle through this overwhelming situation.

Harriets love for the child allows her to set aside the fact she has found Marigold to be the daughter she allowed into adoption over twenty years ago. Now the two sit in a hospital room while Harriet wonders how to approach her. Marigold has her own problems; pregnant with complications she cannot reveal because everyone would know she had married Matthew, and his parents are dead set against her.

Life has become nothing but trial and hardship; Bittys chief of police has been injured in a drug bust that left one officer dead. Andrew Graves was the suspects PR man. Had it not been for one man seeing something worth saving in Andrew, he would be in prison. Now his boss is on trial. Just when they think it cant get much worse, Ellens ex-husband decides if Daniel Gates cant come up with a certain amount of money, he will declare his right as Ruthies father, gain custody, and move Ruthie to Florida.

Will Ellens undying faith in the God she believes in sustain her or will she fall?

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