Help young fans get in touch with their inner geeks with the ultimate guidebook for creating, sharing, and enjoying the world of fandom.
Being a fan is a big deal. Whether it's comics, video games, podcasts, cosplay, books, films, or something else, there are so many ways to share and celebrate with the things that you love. So, it's high time for a guide to help young fans navigate the world of fandom and its many flourishing communities—from fan works to cosplay, gaming, podcasting, and more!
Filled with history, trivia, tips and advice to getting started, and insight from creators and artists from across pop culture and specializing in a wide variety of mediums, A Kid's Guide to Fandom is the perfect geeky primer for young fans. Organized by type of fandom medium, each chapter offers a brief introduction, facts, history sidebars, and easy to digest information on how to: