An Outline Company Secretarial Practice

By Dr. Balachandran V, Dr. Ghosh P.K.

An Outline Company Secretarial Practice
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Efforts to cover the syllabi at all India level and is written in a simple and lucid style to be understood by a common man. Incorporated at the appropriate places in the book, the amendments made to the Companies Act, 2013. At the end of every chapter adequate questions for Part A and Part B are given. Past years question papers of some of the Universities are also included in the book.  Included 10 MODEL Question papers for the Faculty and Students community. Incorporated important statutory Forms under Companies Act, 2013. Quiz in Company Secretarial Practice which would be highly useful to the students appearing for examinations and interviews.

To get practical knowledge, (a) specimen notices, agenda, minutes and resolutions have been incorporated at the appropriate places in the book; (b) Documents / Forms to be filed with the Registrar of Companies under Companies Act, 2013; (c) Fees For Filing Various Documents or For Registering any Fact Under Companies Act, 2013; (d) List of New Forms Prescribed Under Companies Rules, 2014; (e) List of Schedules under Companies Act 2013.

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