Advanced Engineering Mathematics

By Dennis G. Zill, Warren S. Wright

Advanced Engineering Mathematics
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Modern and comprehensive, the new Fifth Edition of Zill's Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Fifth Edition provides an in depth overview of the many mathematical topics required for students planning a career in engineering or the sciences. A key strength of this best-selling text is Zill's emphasis on differential equations as mathematical models, discussing the constructs and pitfalls of each. The Fifth Edition is a full compendium of topics that are most often covered in the Engineering Mathematics course or courses, and is extremely flexible, to meet the unique needs of various course offerings ranging from ordinary differential equations to vector calculus. The new edition offers a reorganized project section to add clarity to course material and new content has been added throughout, including new discussions on: Autonomous Des and Direction Fields; Translation Property, Bessel Functions, LU-Factorization, Da Vinci's apparatus for determining speed and more.

New and Key Features of the Fifth Edition:

- Available with WebAssign with full integrated eBook
- Two new chapters, Probability and Statistics, are available online
- Updated example throughout
- Projects, formerly found at the beginning of the text, are now included within the appropriate chapters.
- New and updated content throughout including new discussions on: Autonomous Des and Direction Fields; Translation Property, Bessel Functions, LU-Factorization, Da Vinci's apparatus for determing speed and more.
- The Student Companion Website, included with every new copy, includes a wealth of study aids, learning tools, projects, and essays to enhance student learning
Instructor materials include: complete instructor solutions manual, PowerPoint Image Bank, and Test Bank.

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