IN SEARCH OF JASON is the story of Jason Reilly, a lowly employee at B.
Pictures, a cut-rate New York City film production company, whose owner, Mr.
B. is a confidante of many curious characters inhabiting both sides of the
law. In the course of one of his many errands for Mr. B., Jason goes to hand
some papers to a diplomat at the United Nations and in the course of his
time there, misplaces a film script he was carrying.
From that loss, dire consequences arise, for the film for which the script
was written was to have been shot in the Caribbean, with the production
serving as cover for a drug-courier operation run by one of Mr. B.s
less-than-legitimate pals, an underworld dynamo named Sicky.
In addition to his illegal interests, Sicky has entertained a lifelong
legitimate interest in some day becoming a major feature film producer.
Thus, the idea of someone like Jason not only endangering his profits, which
would be bad enough, but also imperiling his cinematic opportunity of a
lifetime is an outrage to which the only answer can be one of summary
Now, its one thing when youre seeking to prove your innocence to a law
officer who, theoretically, is subject to some constraints, but when youre
trying to explain yourself to a paranoid gunman who acknowledges no laws
save those in his own, options become more limited. Such is the case for
So, after narrowly avoiding being murdered in his bed and getting run over
by a speeding car aimed at a pay phone booth hes calling from, Jason makes
his escape from the city. He heads for the New Jersey Turnpike, Chesapeake
Bay, Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, the Florida swamps, Miami and,
finally, the Caribbeans blue carpet.
Along he way, he picks up a partner in crime - or perhaps innocence. Dr. Sam
Albert is a former 1960s college revolutionary, present-day psychiatrist and
off-hours bush pilot, whose set of wings Jason finds useful in Miami, when
the ships captain hes hired to take him afloat begins to cause problems.
Later, while island-hopping in the Caribbean with Albert, Jason gets,
unwittingly, another partner in the form of Aringapu, a Central American
Indian whose ancestors, 500 years earlier, were either massacred or driven
off the very island where Sicky now proposes to set up his supreme shoot.
You wouldnt expect Jason to come to earth practically right under Sickys
Ray-Bans. Youd think it would be the last place Aringapu would want to turn
up in, too. Youd think, above all, that the good Dr. Albert, skilled in
providing wise counsel and comfort, would look out for Jasons interests and
fly him out at once. Youd be wrong on all counts, particularly on the last!
You might also expect, on this page, to find out how it all wraps up, but
this place is meant to stimulate your appetite, not satiate it. All that can
be said for now is that, in a curious and appropriate way, the punishment
fits the crime.