I'm trying to find my missing Council member, which might involve visiting the spectral plane. Something that I'm strangely not looking forward to. (sarc) The last thing I need is this...this mess. Achieving my full powers feels like mega-menopause, hot flashes and all. Unfortunately, these flashes can actually burn.
Something’s changing. Something big. I’m finally achieving the last stage of my Lares power. I realize the transformation is going to be hard. It’s going to be painful and confusing. I know all of this because my advocate, the world’s crankiest moon hound and consummate know-it-all was elated to inform me about it. What I didn’t know was that I’d be trying to save one of my council members and beat off a demon invasion in the middle of the whole mess. Unfortunately, this is all starting to remind me of my initiation into the Lares gig. I barely survived that transition. I’m not so sure I’m going to survive this one.