After ten years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Los Angeles Field Office, Inspector Richard Thatcher reluctantly reports to Washington D.C. He arrives the day after a mysterious assailant murders the Chief of Staff to the President. To Thatcher's dismay, he is assigned to command the investigation.
An attack on the Mayor of the District of Columbia initially seems unrelated, but eventually it complicates matters. The media sensationally alleges that a high ranking conspiracy is underway, but Thatcher can find no evidence to substantiate this allegation. The immediate trail takes him to the White House where his aggressive approach antagonizes the suspicious President. An investigative reporter intrudes. Against his best judgment, Thatcher becomes entangled in a personal relationship with the younger woman.
The leads take him across the country to the victim's widow, where a suspect divorce leads Thatcher to the possibility of a crime of passion. This effort directs him to the charming Mimi Wilson, the White House Spokesperson who had an affair with the murdered chief of staff, among others. Thatcher finds the mature Mimi more compatible than the aggressive nineties generation reporter.
Things get worse when he pursues leads suggested by Mimi. A conniving Senator entraps Thatcher in a provocation that threatens to involve the Bureau in a highly critical congressional investigation. This brings Thatcher into direct conflict with the new White House Chief of Staff.
As Thatcher threads his way through his convoluted investigation, he consults with the detectives from the Metropolitan Police who have no leads to the mayor's assailant. Neither Thatcher nor the city detectives can isolate a motive for either the White House murder or the attack on the Mayor.
Gradually the evidence accumulates and enables Thatcher to identify the killer, the one person Thatcher least suspected.