Health and Social Care

By Mark Walsh, Elaine Millar, Ann Mitchell, Louis Greenhalgh, John Rowe

Health and Social Care
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This assessment-focussed bank of resources is invaluable when it comes to the delivery the 2010 Diploma specification for Level 2.

Delivery ideas are provided to accompany the content in Candate Handbook:

* Ideas for practical work

* Activities and games

* Quizzes

* Ideas for individual work

* Discussion ideas

* Research investigation ideas

* Website references / links

Where a topic contains an Assessment Activity, guidance is given to the assessor on how this could be approached and what the student needs to be aware of.

Where an Assessment Activity relates to an observation or another task that requires information to be provided by the candidate (e.g. summary of what they did / how they felt etc.), recording sheets are provided for the candidates to fill in. The candidate can complete these and add them to their portfolio of evidence.