This is a concise, easy-to-use guide to executing more than 60 commonly performed clinical procedures, including sonography, in emergent, urgent, and ambulatory care settings. The procedures are consistently formatted, presented in detail, and organized into system-specific categories for easy access to information. The second edition is the only such resource to include two new chapters completely devoted to bedside ultrasound and how it is used as a tool to enhance the accuracy of numerous procedures. Grounded in fundamental sonography physics, these chapters provide readers with a clear foundational understanding of how to perform ultrasound with confidence. Additionally, eight chapters describe the use of ultrasound to increase the accuracy and efficiency of specific procedures such as locating a foreign body in the eye or soft body tissues, among other applications. The second edition also describes 13 new procedures and reflects the latest guidelines and evidence-based practice used for promotion of safely performed procedures.
Each procedure is presented using a concise and consistent format that includes background considerations, indication for performing the procedure, how to perform it safely and correctly, contraindications, required documentation, complications, post-procedure considerations, and education points. Original photos, actual sonographic footage, line drawings, and tables reinforce the written content and provide clear directions regarding exactly how to perform each procedure. Author’s pearls and extensive references at the end of each chapter further enhance the book’s utility.
New to the Second Edition:
New chapters devoted to sonography and how it is used to enhance the accuracy of many procedures
Describes the use of sonography to increase the accuracy and efficiency of eight specific procedures
Includes 10 new procedures
Offers ultrasound and videos
Reflects latest guidelines and evidence-based practice
Key Features: