When manufacture surged in the 18th and 19th centuries, it was not feudalism being modernized, but a new system – capitalism - being born. Similarly, what is surging now is not just a new feature of capitalism, but a new informational mode of production. Agriculture and industry will keep playing a role, but the dominant restructuring role belongs to knowledge, information, communication, finance and other non-material factors. Our institutions and governance systems have been outpaced, they belong to another age, and we are facing the resulting chaos.
The digital revolution is leading to world-scale financialization, giant communication platforms, and a global drain on private information. In Davos they call it Industry 4.0; Bauman called it parasite capitalism; Mariana Mazzucato, extractive capitalism; Brett Christopher, rentier capitalism, and so forth. But it is not enough to add qualifiers to “capitalism”: the digital revolution is generating a radically new system. This research will be useful for all the readers or researchers interested in understanding the systemic change we are facing.