Computer Aided Verification

By Warren A. Hunt

Computer Aided Verification
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This volume contains the proceedings of the conferenceonComputer Aided V- i?cation (CAV 2003) held in Boulder, Colorado, on July 8–12, 2003. CAV 2003 was the 15th in a series of conferences dedicated to the advancement of the t- ory and practice of computer-assisted formalanalysis methods for hardwareand softwaresystems. Theconferencecoversthe spectrum from theoreticalresultsto applications, with emphasis on practical veri?cation tools, including algorithms andtechniquesneededfortheirimplementation.Theconferencehastraditionally drawn contributions from researchers as well as practitioners in both academia and industry. The program of the conference consisted of 32 regular papers, selected from 87 submissions. In addition, the CAV programfeatured 9 tool presentationsand demonstrations selected from 15 submissions. Each submission receivedan av- age of 5 referee reviews. The largenumber of tool submissions and presentations testi?es to the liveliness of the ?eld and to its applied ?avor. The CAV 2003 program included a tutorial day with three invited tuto- als by Ken McMillan (Cadence) on SAT-Based Methods for Unbounded Model Checking, Doron Peled (Warwick) on Algorithmic Testing Methods, and Willem Visser (NASA) on Model Checking Programs with Java PathFinder. The c- ference also included two invited talks by Amitabh Srivastava (Microsoft) and Michael Gordon (Cambridge). Five workshops were associated with CAV 2003: – ACL2 2003: 4th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications. – BMC 2003: 1st International Workshop on Bounded Model Checking. – PDMC2003:2ndInternationalWorkshoponParallelandDistributedModel Checking. – RV 2003: 3rd Workshop on Runtime Veri?cation. – SoftMC 2003: 2nd Workshop on Software Model Checking.