Devin Maloney had exactly three objectives in mind for her summer: Make more money, find a rich boyfriend and move out of her parent's house (preferably directly into future rich boyfriend's abode).
All of this would help convince Devin that she in fact was not such a fuck up after all. So what if she was twenty-six and hadn't made something of herself? It wasn't just her multiple jobs and her empty bank account anymore. It was the sheer number of weddings she had witnessed on Instagram that was making her physically ill at the moment. Each time she opened up her phone she held it slightly away from her. She couldn't bear to look at the screen for longer than a few moments as she rapidly swiped through the most current wedding searching for people she knew. Hoping that she wouldn't see him.
Him being Christian Parker, the situation-ship that seemed to never amount to anything. Christian ebbed and flowed through Devin's life that most of her major milestones were synonymous with him in one way or another.