Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive CD-ROM

By Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, Ellen Shaw

Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive CD-ROM
Preview available

The all-new Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive CD-ROM, by Margaret Bonner, Marjorie Fuchs, and Ellen Shaw, mirrors the syllabus of the textbook Focus on Grammar 4, now available in a newly revised third edition.

Clear, contextualized, and interactive, this CD-ROM program provides a communicative review of English grammar that covers all language skills through a comprehensive, motivating, and fun practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Focus on Grammar Student Book. Focus on Grammar Interactive is in five levels, introductory through advanced.


  • Abundant contextualized exercises–including grammar, reading, listening, dictation, and speaking activities–provide students with extensive and meaningful lab practice.
  • Target structures are presented in full reading and listening passages to help students discover the grammar.
  • Dictation exercises provide students with controlled listening and writing practice.
  • Speaking exercises give students the opportunity for further oral practice of the vocabulary, grammatical structures, and themes introduced in the unit.
  • Review quizzes and and reports help students monitor their own progress and work.
  • Additional exercises for remedial practice are provided for each grammar point so that students can work on improving weaker areas.
  • A new From Grammar to Writing section provides students with additional writing practice based on unit topics, through a series of controlled practice leading to authentic pieces of writing that can be submitted for grading.
  • Automated feedback, such as hints and explanations, provides learner support and motivates students.
  • Engaging games provide fun opportunities to review key structures.
  • Additional support is provided by a wide range of easy-to-access resources, including grammar charts, grammar notes, glossaries, and appendices.

System Requirements

  • Windows 2000 with Service 4 or XP
  • For Non-English Windows 2000 or XP systems, professional edition recommended
  • Pentium II processor 400+ MHz
  • 128+ MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
  • 16-bit graphics card
  • Monitor resolution of 800 x 600 or higher
  • Sound card, microphone, and speakers (Microphones plugged into USB ports are not supported)
  • 10X CD-ROM drive
  • Disk space for saving student data (floppy, flash memory, hard drive)
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher recommended) (Note: Netscape and AOL browser software software not supported.)
  • Macromedia's Flash 8 and Shockwave 10, Apple's QuickTime 7, and Sun's Java 1.5.0_06 plug-ins (Note: If your computer does not have these plug-ins, they will be installed automatically when you install the course.)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7

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