David Lawyerman And The Last Supper

By Israel Foguel

David Lawyerman And The Last Supper
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David Lawyerman had returned from Italy where, together with Brazilian soldiers, he participated in World War II. Very fearing God, David participated in the war together with about 25,000 Brazilian soldiers, went through bad times but, always keeping in mind the words of his God: did not kill any enemy. He went, participated and returned from the war without even firing. He kept in his belongings a Holy Bible that he gained from his father when he boarded the Italian field. He married Adriana and returned to his hometown, attended his church that operated in a small temple in a neighborhood known as Little Cross Saint . Every Wednesday and Sunday, along with his wife Adriana, he went to church, sang his hymns and gave his praise. Married in 1946, two years later the first heir arrived, a boy named Mark. Mark lived, like David, under the protection of God. Seeing him grow up alone, David and Adriana decided to get a little brother for him. In fact, exactly one year after the birth of Mark, the arrival came not from a brother, but from a princess named Rebecca. When returning from the war David got to study law, but after a few years in this position, he was not charmed by law and decided to return to his first profession: an English teacher. For being interested in the origin of the Bible, since little David had a certain domain of Aramaic. The war gave him more experience and he came to see life with more discernment. He always talked with his friends and discussed with them the passages he read in the Holy Bible. At night, when they put their sons Mark and Rebecca to bed, they read a passage from the Bible and prayed together. On Wednesday, around 7 p.m., heavy rain falls on the city. Mark and Rebecca were not very well. They coughed a lot during the night before and Adriana, afraid, would rather stay at home with them. David picks up his books and goes to the worship service of his church. On Wednesday, the service always starts at 7:20 p.m. First a hymn is sung, the preacher reads a psalm from the Holy Bible and then immediately prays, thanking and asking for forgiveness and protection from God to all the people. Then he does his sermon. Around 8.30 p.m., after worship and after talking to the people who also attend church, David decides to return home. On the way the rain rises and lightning and thunder scratches the sky. At one point, the sky clears and David sees a figure that, like previous times, looks at him and smiles. This gentleman is dressed in white with long sleeves. - Sir, sir! shouts David. The light is followed by a great thunderbolt and a crash causes David to fall to the ground. For a few seconds David feels his whole body paralyzed. Try to get up but everything turns. As he looks sideways, he sees again that gentleman in white with wide sleeves. At his side he sees a circumference with lights that rotate without stopping, as if forming a tunnel. David approaches, and when he gets very close, this man crosses that circumference. He stops and looks at David, invites him to do the same. What will David do! He will follow that lord! This you will find out by reading the whole story of this book.

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