Do you trust the American healthcare system?
Ripple of Change is a captivating story of a doctor and patient who lost trust and suffered moral injury in a dysfunctional healthcare system–yet still healed. Through a combined wellness journey, Todd R. Otten, M.D. and Joshua J. Judy, Patient, propose simple, elegant solutions by introducing Our Quadruple Aim (OQA). OQA offers an impressive prescription for change for EVERYONE. The reader will be inspired and moved by the poignant Yin and Yang transparency of doctor and patient. But most importantly, their story demonstrates what healthcare can and should aspire to. If you’re an American healthcare consumer, we’re speaking to you.
Health care providers are burned out and subjected to moral injury
Patients feel ignored and are frustrated
Target Audience: the American healthcare consumer
Follow our blended wellness journey and find yours
Help us transform healthcare with a Ripple of Change
Why is this book needed right now? It’s simple. Everyone has been a patient–yes, even doctors and nurses get colonoscopies. We hear about the Great Resignation. The Quiet Quitting. The frustration. While health care employees have faced significant burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic, the desire to opt out of one's chosen profession is happening across many industries. Why? Are we standing before a precipice, embarking upon a chance to better understand these phenomena and its meaning? Absolutely.
Our Quadruple Aim is a four-pronged approach to delivering healthcare: Patient Experience, Quality Care, Lower Costs, and Provider Wellness. A multifaceted driver, it incorporates key stakeholders, and aligns with value-based care. When properly implemented: everyone wins. Healthcare has metastasized into a business model. Clinical leaders often play second fiddle. This has led to increasing burdens on the people actually delivering care and crushing patients financially. As a result, burnout rates are at unacceptable levels and patients are dysphoric. We believe if healthcare leaders embed Our Quadruple Aim into their culture, we can start to mend many wounds.
So who is responsible for delivering? Shouldn’t we all be responsible? Patients, doctors, nurses, administrations, society at large… hence the “Our” addition to the Quadruple Aim. The “Our” emphatically states that we all are responsible. Intentionally nebulous? Perhaps, but medicine is a world of gray.
Our Quadruple Aim is an opportunity to right many wrongs through a: Ripple of Change. The book will contain evidence-based medicine, research, editorials, recent news, humor, poetry, inspiring quotes, and a blended story of healing. The intent is to motivate conversations, provide the courage to speak up and challenge the status quo. Our hope is that thousands cast their stone, transforming ripples into: a tsunami of change.