Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications

By Hamid R Arabnia

Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
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Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications is a compendium of articles and papers that were presented at PDPTA '13, an international conference that serves researchers, scholars, professionals, students, and academicians.

Selected topics include:

* Resource Allocation, Scheduling, Energy-Aware Computing + Load-Balancing + Fault-Tolerant Systems
* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Applications
* Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving - MPS
* Grid + Cloud Computing and Supporting Tools + Applications
* Systems Software + Programming Models + Threads + Caching + File Systems + Testing and Monitoring Methods
* Performance Evaluation, Estimation, and Related Issues
* Communication Systems + Networks and Interconnection Networks + Peer-To-Peer Networks Ad-Hoc Networks + Sensor Networks and Applications
* Cluster Computing + Multi-Core, GPU, FPGA Processing and Applications
* Data-Driven Networking Systems with High Tolerance for Disaster, Fault and Congestion Position and Regular - Communication Systems, Cloud Computing, Reconfigurable Systems, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Scheduling, Architectures, and Applications
* Cloud Computing, Optimization, Sensor Networks, Scheduling, and Applications

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