Though well-intentioned, local churches can reinforce this disposition by emphasizing one or two of these components at the expense of others, unintentionally leaving Christians with an incomplete approach to spiritual formation. Some churches are prone to a head faith, elevating doctrine and theology. Other churches are prone to a heart faith, emphasizing affections and expressive worship. Still other churches are prone to a hands faith, accentuating embodied activity and practical Christian living. Sound doctrine, meaningful worship experiences, and practical Christian living are essential aspects of Christianity. However, taken alone, each represents a fragmented faith with imbalances and inadequacies. Fragmented faith stunts spiritual growth, damages personal witness, inhibits the Great Commission, and dishonors God.
To be sure, God will complete the work he began in us (Phil. 1:6). But, we are responsible to pursue holiness (1 Pet. 1:16).
The solution to distorted spiritual formation is a holistic approach, centered on the Great Commandment. The Pursuit of Holistic Holiness provides a biblical theology of spiritual formation, identifies pitfalls of imbalanced spiritual growth, and offers practical solutions to help Christians recognize and overcome deficiencies in the transformation process. Whatever your spiritual maturity level, this book will facilitate your path forward.