Baillière's Midwives Dictionary has been an invaluable educational and professional resource for generations of midwives and students.
Now in its Tenth Edition, the Dictionary has been radically but sensitively revised to include well over 100 new terms and definitions, reflecting the vast array of changes and developments in midwifery education and practice.
In addition to the illustrated definitions section, there are 18 Appendices, with new and expanded information on:
Antenatal InvestigationsApgar ScorePostpartum HaemorrhageP.V. Examination of Fetal PositionSocial Security BenefitsUseful Addresses- "Bailliere's Midwives Dictionary" has long been the first choice of midwifery students and practitioners seeking a thorough and reliable first point of information in their professional field. Now revised and updated throughout, the Dictionary provides the modern student and midwife subject-specialist support and clear, brief information on all key terms they are likely to encounter. Building on the radical revision of the ninth edition, new terms have been added and appendices revised.
Clear and very accessible information for all levels of midwifery student and practitionerDirectly helpful and practical information, written in an accessible formatMore clearly illustrated than previous editionsInformation previously in appendices now woven into the key entry in each subject areaPrice held to be same as ninth edition - great value for money!