Three sad tigers

By Triunfo Arciniegas

Three sad tigers
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La Colección Bilingüe es una serie de libros que reúne narraciones infantiles presentadas en español e inglés, con el fin de familiarizar y reforzar la correspondencia de los dos idiomas. Las historias son divertidas y cada una tiene un valor que rescatar: la imaginación, el deseo de ser feliz, la perseverancia de alcanzar lo que deseamos, la aceptación de lo que somos y el compartir con nuestros amigos. This Bilingual Collection is a series of infant narrations books presented in Spanish and in English, with the purpose of familiarizing and reinforcing the links between the two languages. Each of the stories found in these books are entertaining and permits young ones to explore the imagination. They will also find the desire to be happy, the joy of sharing with friends, accepting themselves and others, and moreover it helps them to search for their own goals. (Quelle: Website des Verlags).

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