Judson the Pioneer

By J. Hull

Judson the Pioneer
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Judson the Pioneer is J. Mervin Hull's biography of Adoniram Judson, one of the first missionary preachers of the United States, who spent several years in Burma. This edition includes the twenty original illustrations.

Adoniram Judson's life is an amazing tale combining true Christian faith with exotic travels and culture. His sensitivity to the traditions and customs of those he met and preached among were vital to his success; many of the native populations which later converted to Christianity appreciated his forthright, kindly nature and sensitive understanding. Adoniram Judson's successful missionary techniques would justifiably serve as a model for future missionaries.

Judson's efforts to create a sizable Christian community in the far flung lands of tropical Burma were, from time to time, mired in adversity. His capture at the hands of French privateers almost rendered his mission over before it had even began; the bloody and fractious Anglo-Burmese conflict of 1824 to 1826 upset the region; and adapting to the starkly different climate and culture was itself hard. All these challenges Judson - by fortune and ability - overcame.

This biography is written in the manner of a dramatic fiction book, although all of the incidents it paraphrases and describes occurred. The unique style of J. Mervin Hull renders the narrative interesting, its flow swift and its spiritual message all the more clear. We hear excerpts of some of Judson's finest speeches, and appreciate his charisma and natural ability as a man of God through the photographs and illustrations pertinent to his life's achievements.

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