Non-technical and accessible primer providing key foundational knowledge on quantum mechanics and quantum field theory
Quantum Untangling introduces the readers to the fascinating and strange realm of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, written in an accessible manner while not shying away from using mathematics where necessary. The book goes into sufficient depth and conveys basic and more intricate concepts such as wave-particle duality, wave functions, the superposition principle, quantum tunneling, the quantum harmonic oscillator, the Dirac equation, and Feynman diagrams. It also covers the physics of the Higgs boson and provides a glimpse into string theory and loop quantum gravity.
Overall, the author introduces complex concepts of quantum mechanics in an accessible and fun-to-read manner while laying the groundwork for mastering an advanced level of treatment in standard quantum mechanics textbooks and university courses.
Quantum Untangling includes information on:
With Quantum Untangling, any reader with a good grasp of and an above-average interest in mathematics at advanced high-school level can follow the presentation and acquaint themselves with the fundamental and advanced topics of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, making it a helpful resource for many different students.