
By Walter Burgdorf, T. Nasemann, M. Jänner, B. Schütte

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1982, published (in German) Histopathologie It is a great honor to be allowed to present my der Hautkrankheiten. Dr. Nasemann has gra concepts of basic dermatopathology. I have ciously allowed me to write my own English long joked that I wished to write a book enti text, completely reorganizing and changing his tled Dermatopathology for Dick and Jane already superb text, but using about one half (with apologies to the author of my first-grade reader), but finally concluded that a more dig of his photomicrographs and all of his line drawings. I have taken the balance of the pho nified title-Dermatopathology-was more appropriate. This book is aimed at a very spe tomicrographs myself, while Dr. Curt Littler cific readership-first-year residents in pathol has provided a number of new illustrations. Dr. ogy and dermatology, as they begin to learn Littler, who is somewhat closer to his first year skin pathology. My hope is that the book will of residency than I, helped to write the intro be used, worn out, and retired to the bookshelf ductory chapters with the goal of providing as the young physician's sophistication in just that information which his contemporaries would find most useful. creases. Thus, a copy that is pristine and not dog-eared has not fulfilled its purpose. I must add that I take full responsibility for This little manual cannot compete with the 'his text.

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