Attracting PhDs to K-12 Education

By National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Education, Committee on Attracting Science and Mathematics PhDs to K-12 Education: From Analysis to Implementation

Attracting PhDs to K-12 Education
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The National Research Council (NRC) has undertaken a three-phase project to explore the possibility of a program to attract science, mathematics and engineering PhDs to careers in K-12 education. The first phase of the project surveyed the interests of recent PhDs in science and mathematics in pursuing careers in secondary education. Analysis of the Phase I data suggests that a significant percentage of PhDs might be interested in pursuing careers in secondary education under some circumstances. This report from the second phase of the project presents a proposal for a national demonstration program to determine how one might prepare PhDs to be productive members of the K-12 education community. The proposed program is designed to help meet the needs of the nation's schools, while providing further career opportunities for recent PhDs in science, mathematics and engineering.