This popular workbook/laboratory manual is intended to help students review information and sharpen skills that are essential to becoming a competent radiographer. The workbook is divided into worksheets that complement the material covered in the text. Suitable for homework or in-class assignments, the workbook contains worksheets, crossword puzzles, laboratory experiments, a math tutor section, and helpful appendices. Worksheets correspond with the five sections of the main book, covering radiologic physics, the x-ray beam, the radiographic image, special x-ray imaging, and radiation protection.
- Over 100 worksheets focus on particular topics from specific chapters in the text.
- "Bushbits" provide a concise summary of information from the textbook that is relevant to the exercise questions.
- Math Tutor worksheets on decimal and fractional timers, fraction/decimal conversion, solving for desired mAs, and technique adjustments provide an excellent refresher or additional practice with relevant math concepts.
- Laboratory Experiments provide the framework for experiments in the lab setting, designed to aid in understanding via hands-on experience.