Clinical Methods in Obstetrics & Gynecology

By Manju Puri

Clinical Methods in Obstetrics & Gynecology
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  1. Approach to a Pregnant Woman attending Antenatal Clinic
  2. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Bad Obstetric History
  3. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Bleeding per Vaginum in Early Pregnancy
  4. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Bleeding per Vaginum in Late Pregnancy
  5. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Abdominal Pain
  6. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Discharge per Vaginum
  7. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Vomiting
  8. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Diarrhea
  9. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Fever
  10. Approach to a Pregnant or Puerperal Woman with Convulsions
  11. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Breathlessness
  12. Approach to a Pregnant Women with Pruritus
  13. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Decreased Fetal Movements
  14. Approach to a Pregnant woman with a Positive Aneuploidy Screening Test
  15. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with a Congenitally Malformed Fetus
  16. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Jaundice
  17. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Anaemia
  18. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Hypertension
  19. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Heart Disease
  20. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Suspected Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR)
  21. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Previous Cesarean Section
  22. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Multiple Pregnancy
  23. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Rh Negative Blood Group
  24. Approach to a Pregnant Woman with Trauma
  25. Approach to a Pregnant Woman brought in an Unconscious State
  26. Approach to a Postnatal Woman
  27. Approach to a Woman with Specific Problems in Puerperium
  28. Approach to a Woman with Abnormal Behavior in Puerperium


  1. History Taking and Clinical Examination of a Woman Presenting with Gynaecological Complaints
  2. Approach to a Woman with Vaginal Discharge
  3. Approach to a Woman with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  4. Approach to a Woman with Infertility
  5. Approach to a Woman with Dysmenorrhea
  6. Approach to a Woman with Dyspareunia
  7. Approach to a Woman with Lower Abdominal Pain
  8. Approach to a Woman with Abdominal Lump
  9. Approach to a Woman with Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  10. Approach to a Woman with Urinary Incontinence
  11. Approach to a Woman with Anal Incontinence
  12. Approach to a Woman with Pruritis Vulvae
  13. Approach to a Woman with Vulvar Lesion
  14. Approach to a Woman with Amenorrhea
  15. Approach to a Woman with Hirsutism
  16. Approach to a Woman with Precocious Puberty
  17. Approach to a Woman with Delayed Puberty
  18. Approach to a Woman with Breast Lump
  19. Approach to a Woman with Nipple Discharge
  20. Approach to a Woman with Sexual Assault


  1. Minor Procedures in Gynecology
  2. Minor procedures in Obstetrics
  3. Procedures for Screening and Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
  4. Obstetrical and Gynecological Instruments
  5. Endoscopic Instruments
  6. Cardiotocography
  7. Forceps and Ventouse
  8. Contraception
  9. Medical Termination of Pregnancy and Sterilization
  10. Government initiatives to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Health

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