Living in the fast lane and letting the good times roll.
Exotic cars, expensive jewelry, opulent vacation homes and a seven fi gure bank account. This real life, Hollywood drama opens with what seems a wonderful dream, but then reality...
A fleet of shiny black SUVs come screeching into his driveway. With his wife held at gunpoint by federal agents, Jeff is dragged away to prison for “questionable business practices.”
41196: The Number That Changed My Life is a riveting, true life story of Jeff Snyder. Through a series of life altering events, Jeff became a cooperating witness against his father; the criminal mastermind behind numerous Ponzi schemes, stolen identities, money laundering scams, and who eventually became a fugitive living in Central America.
Through this author’s journey, you will witness an incredible outcome as Jeff is dragged off to jail a broken man and manages to find the strength to overcome his life’s biggest adversity. This transformational saga will keep you on the edge of your seat, stunned and dumbfounded, and will alter the way you view your personal adversities.