Lise Couture has been in the field ofEar Acupuncture for the last twentyseven years and her work is knownin many countries including Canada,France, Argentina, Uruguay, U.S.A.,Spain and many others by the tokenof the conferences she gave at theLyon Symposium in 1994 and in 2006.She was also a guest speaker at theFirst Chinese Symposium in Torontoin May of 1986.
In 2006, she heard about Dr Ulrich Werths method with the implantsin the ears for treating Parkinsons. It reminded her Dr Paul Nogierswords in one of the Auricular Magazines. One day, while treating a manin his clinic, he related that he would have liked to cribble the pointwith many needles rather than only one: the situation was really chronicand the patient needed help. In her practice she had experienced thatfeeling too and she is amazed that Dr Werth came out with those microimplants inserted in different points of the ear to stop or slow down thedestructive process of the Parkinsons.
D. Lise is now in her third year of practice and research in the field ofEar Acupuncture and Parkinson. At the same time, she keeps treatingher regular patients, but at a lower rythm.
Like Dr Paul Nogier, she is all ears to the stories of her patients. Theanswer of the healing is in their life experiences. That is her truth andliving passion. If she can have you walk, shell do it!
D. Lise lives in Ottawa with her son Dannie and husband Michel AndrBeauvolsk, since 1992.