The book considers both British and International perspectives and includes the latest developments in current practice, regulation and innovation, looking at these developments within a wider political, cultural and geographical context. The fully revised fourth edition also contains new material on:
Expanded lists of key texts and diagrams, suggested reading organized by topic, and new practical examples and exercises are also used in order to encourage the reader to explore and experiment with the ideas in their own practice.
This book is key reading for students and practitioners of family therapy and systemic practice as well as those from the fields of counselling, psychology, social work and the helping professions who deal with family issues,
"The fourth edition of Dallos and Draper's book admirably achieves its aim of giving an overview of the field of systemic therapy from the 1950s to the present day, with a consideration of both British and international perspectives, taking account of the wider political, cultural and geographical context. Like its previous editions, the fourth edition of Dallos and Draper's introductory family therapy book will continue to be a valued resource for both students on family therapy training programmes and experienced professionals. I recommend it highly."
Alan Carr, Review in theJournal of Family Therapy, December 2015