Images from Lichenes Australasici Exsiccati and of other characteristic Australasian Lichens. Volume One

By Felix, Elix, John A. Schumm

Images from Lichenes Australasici Exsiccati and of other characteristic Australasian Lichens. Volume One
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This book includes photographs of a selection of typical Australasianlichens, many of which have been distributed in the LICHENES AUS-TRALASICI EXSICCATI (issued by J.A. Elix 1982-1994) as well as someadditional species. In addition to the overall images, photographs ofselected stained and unstained sections, spores and HPTLC-plates areincluded. The goal was to make images of these lichenological treas-ures available to a wider circle of interested people. We hope that theimages will complement the literature and aid in the determination ofAustralasian lichen species.

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